living boldly & helping
other women do the same

I have you been asking yourself, Is this all there is or is this all I am? I want you to know you were created for greatness and for more. Let me help you unlock your bold potential and give you permission to grow to the next level.
Being honest about who you're becoming helps heal your hurts and those around you. I understand how it may be hard to openly share your truth and sec the light in your situation.
After my divorce, I hit rock bottom. But I didn't stay there. No matter what chaptcr of life you're in now I can guide you through your pain and help you find your lane and figure out what you need to let go of in order to create the life you want.
It's time for you to thrive in your BOLD (Becoming Out Loud Daily), BIG (Building In Your Genius, and BAD (Blessed and Deserving).
Let me show you how..

Disruptive Thoughts to Help YOU Live Bold, Big & Bad!
What you say to yourself matters and has the power to change your life. If you have an internal dialogue that is critical, negative, or just down right mean, this book is for vou. Disrupt negative patterns of self-talk so that you can develop a new way of thinking and step boldly into the best version of yourself.

"You want a better quality of life?
Upgrade it your damn self?"
I was looking forward to a quiet, relaxing and uneventful birthday Little did I know, I was about to receive a present that would totally change the trajectory of my life.
My now ex-husband and I had been going through a tumultuous rough patch in our marriage. Hence, why I was looking forward to a quiet, relaxing and uneventful birthday. As we settled in on my birthday eve, I shared with him that all I wanted for my birthday was peace in my house. I was exhausted from all the unnecessary drama that had filled our lives for the past six months.
However, my request was met with a sheepish look, you know the kind that looks like the cat that swallowed the canary. I knew something was up. I had no clue that the "something" would be a confirmation that he wanted a divorce. I was devastated and relieved at the same time.
Have you ever been in a situation and realized this is NOT the future you were dreaming of or had worked so hard to achieve? Girl, listen, I was that woman in those shoes at that moment!
I obliged his request and spent the next day, my birthday, at the courthouse law library researching and gathering paperwork on how to file for a divorce. Cray cray, right? Actually, no! In hindsight, it was a blessing in disguise as life had happened for me and not to me.
I realized after years of deep reflection, soul work, spiritual reconnection and developing a foundation of unwavering self-love that the best version of me was yet to come! That life was just getting juicy!
My business rebounded, I started traveling the world, my income increased and self-trust gave me the audacity to live a life that is bold, big and bad with no permission needed. I intentionally created practices that disrupted negative mindsets and questioned limiting beliefs that kept me in a state of sabotage cycles and success intolerance.
I realized that if I'd had this experience, perhaps other women may be having or have had these types of experiences too. Similar experiences can be in your career, your business, a relationship, your finances, or with yourself. You see a cycle because your life is a direct reflection of your participation in the cray cray.